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Make it until you make it! (Post Title Image)

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Make it until you make it!

Read a great article by Jason Cohen, and I’d like to comment on it a bit.

The code is your enemy.
You love to code. You go to it because you understand it. It’s safe. The compiler always does what you tell it to do (even if React doesn’t).

One of the reasons I do what I do is because it seems like no one cares about code quality anymore. Not in the sense of perfectly written code, but in the sense of what the final product represents, where that code is used.




Software, if it solves a specific problem, will be in demand. But there’s a difference between good software-code and a software-product based on that brilliant code.


Good code, by itself, is useless, even if it solves a ton of problems. Take Linux, for example. As software, it’s incredibly good. As a product? Absolute crap. Sorry. Meanwhile, it solves tons of problems. You can advertise it all you want, but the truth remains — Linux, as a mass product, doesn’t exist.




Android, on the other hand, is a real product. People can whine about how bad Android is all they want, but there’s nothing else out there. No one has managed to produce even such a monster.

The problem is that an undercooked product — not unfinished, but undercooked — will need to be sold by force 😂. Well, with the help of some means or another.


For example, I post every day and a lot, I know what I’m talking about. With all the variety of social networks — and I post everywhere — name at least one text editor that’s easy to use. We paste in simple text and, excuse me, struggle every time. It’s either one issue or another, with hashtags, or something always getting in the way, covering buttons or whatnot. Undo / Redo? Never heard of it in Apple or Google.




Well, I’ve been waiting for 15 years now and finally gave up and built a normal editor. Is it perfect? I doubt it, there’s always room for improvement, but at this point, I don’t feel like fixing it anymore — I believe it’s at the right level, and coding has become more about cleaning up minor bugs than breaking my back.


That said, without a doubt, I’ve tried to sell the old version too, because I’m not against marketing, I’m all for it! But how much did I sell? Not much, to be honest. Not because I didn’t try hard enough, just, you know, something was missing — some link that needed to be refined! In my case, it’s not the text editor itself, but what it’s part of, though that’s not the point. I genuinely believe that a good product, its level, if you will, is the very core of marketing. That’s why you need to keep working on it until your product is in demand!


First iterations don’t fly… even the tenth ones don’t always. You could drop it, of course. But who would’ve made me that editor with a library, then? Our friends from Silicon Valley haven’t bothered to yet. And there’s probably more than just me who would find it convenient to use.


Keep refining, refining, and refining, my friends. Until victory!

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