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Today We 🥳 Celebrate: CAPS LOCK DAY 😁 (Post Title Image)

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Today We 🥳 Celebrate: CAPS LOCK DAY 😁

Ever heard of International Caps Lock Day? Yep, it’s a thing, and we celebrate it every year on October 22! 📅


It all started when a guy from Iowa, Derek Arnold, wanted to poke fun at people who OVERUSE CAPS IN THEIR TEXTS. But guess what? The day caught on and is now celebrated worldwide! 🌍


Caps Lock has taken on new meaning in our digital world – it’s not just for typing in all caps.


Nowadays, using CAPS LOCK in texts or social media adds a little extra emotion, making it feel like you’re shouting out loud or sharing something super important. It’s almost like a "cry from the heart"! 💬❤️


Of course, not everyone loves the Caps Lock key. Some folks even think it’s totally useless and want it gone from keyboards forever. In fact, back in the 2000s, there was a whole movement in Sweden to ban the key! 😱 But millions of people around the world still use it every day for messaging, writing, and online conversations.


So, how do you feel about Caps Lock? Love it or hate it? LET US KNOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOW! 🔥⬇️

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