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Why Dumbasses Keep Asking

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Why Dumbasses Keep Asking "Why?"

Why a booking system? Not everyone needs it. Why reels? I don’t post. Why this, why that? Because, motherfucker!


It’s like air conditioning in a car — it’s just there. If you don’t need it, don’t use it. Sweat your balls off until they’re well done for all I care. But for those who do need it? One click and it’s done.


All of you are missing the real question. You shouldn’t be asking why there’s booking or carousels. You should be asking: Why the fuck are YOU 🫵 needed now? That is the thing that should touch you tenderly.


And I’ll give you the honest answer: You’re not! No one needs you anymore.


To build a website today, all I need is one power creator, a couple of days, and those two pizzas Bezos was talking about. That’s my entire team. If Jeff were reading this, he’d get the irony. Instead of a bunch of slow-ass, useless slackers, I just need one person. Hell, I won’t even make him piss in a bottle 🤣


By the way, I will be hiring a power creator soon, once I finalize the requirements. The job? Websites, Spaces, and Digits, from scratch, turnkey, within a day or two. AI-powered. All the fucking way.


Business needs to work, not wait for your sorry asses to spend weeks "giving birth" to a logo. And don’t even start whining about Rolex. Not everyone’s meant to be a king. You’re fixing toilets, and someone’s out here trying to sell you a luxury logo package like you need to impress the Queen.


The future? Looks pretty grim. Because the power of QRaway isn’t in the tech — it’s in the concept. The tech is simple and available to everyone. But by the time you finally get it... it’ll be too late.

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